• Are we allowed to make an archival recording of a past production available for streaming or online viewing?

    Unfortunately, streaming and online viewing rights aren’t available from Concord Theatricals for most shows. These rights are not held or controlled by Concord Theatricals, and we will have to send your proposal to the author’s representatives for approval on a case-by-case basis. We understand that many of these requests will be time-sensitive,…

  • How do I apply for additional digital rights?

    To apply for additional digital rights, (livestreaming or recording and digital distribution rights in addition to live stage performance rights) please complete the standard application form and answer the additional questions specific to digital rights in the Performance Details section.  The standard questions should be answered with information related to your…

  • How do I apply for a virtual performance?

    To apply for a virtual performance licence (online performances only, no in-person live performances), please complete the standard application form and answer the additional questions specific to virtual performances in the Performance Details section.  Since virtual performance requests don’t adhere to our standard rights, some duplicate data entry may be…

  • What’s the difference between virtual performances and digital rights?

    Virtual performances: These performances are online only, with no performances in a theatre for a live audience. Virtual performances may be readings or off-book performances, and may be audio-visual or audio only.  Digital rights: These are additional permissions in conjunction with traditional in-theatre performances, including the livestreaming of performances and/or…

  • Are virtual performances and/or digital rights available for all titles?

    Unfortunately, virtual/online, streaming and video rights aren’t available from Concord Theatricals for most shows. These rights are not held or controlled by Concord Theatricals, and we will have to send your proposal to the author’s representatives for approval on a case-by-case basis. We understand that many of these requests will…

  • Can I livestream my production?

    Unfortunately, virtual/online, streaming and video rights aren’t available from Concord Theatricals for most shows. These rights are not held or controlled by Concord Theatricals, and we will have to send your proposal to the author’s representatives for approval on a case-by-case basis. Please refer to the section on Virtual Performances…

  • My application has been approved! Now what?

    Congratulations! And thank you for choosing a Concord Theatricals title.  Once you have been issued an agreement, it’s up to you to decide if you wish to proceed with the production. If you have any questions about the terms outlined in your contract or about the fees, please contact your…