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Can I use my school Purchase Order to pay for my royalties?

A purchase order does NOT constitute payment for licensing fees. A PO is, essentially, a school’s promise to pay for an invoice, and we cannot use a promise of payment to execute licensing contracts. 

You can include a PO number on your licensing invoices if needed. To do this, first log into your account on www.concordtheatricals.co.uk by clicking the “Sign In” button in the upper-right corner. Once signed in, click your name in the upper-right corner, then click “Licensing.” From there, you will be able to select “Pay Now” next to any shows with open invoices on your account. On the next page, select “Purchase Order” as your payment option. You will then be able to enter your PO number and can draft a new invoice with the PO Number field filled in. You will then need to send this updated invoice to the appropriate staff member at your school if they are responsible for the payment. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that invoices are forwarded to the appropriate accounting or business office. 

For Amateur licenses, payment is due and the agreement must be signed within 90 days from the date the agreement is issued or before you advertise, announce, rehearse or cast your production.  We accept BACs, BACs Direct Debit, credit/debit cards or cheques to pay for licensing fees. Payments must be made in GB£.  

Updated on November 22, 2024

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