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  3. I have obtained a license through Concord Theatricals. When will I receive my rental materials? What if I need them earlier?

I have obtained a license through Concord Theatricals. When will I receive my rental materials? What if I need them earlier?

When applying for a licence you can choose a delivery date for your music materials during the application. Once the pre-performance fees specified in your licence are paid in full your materials will be scheduled to arrive on that date. If you have paid well in advance of this date, you can also request that they be sent earlier by contacting your Licensing Representative. No additional fee is required to extend the rental period.

Materials will not be shipped unless all specified fees have been paid. 

If your scheduled delivery date has already passed when your licence is paid, your music materials will be scheduled out to you once the invoice is marked as paid. Typically, it takes two weeks from the date of payment for materials to be shipped and delivered. 

Updated on December 20, 2024

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