• Should I still apply for a “restricted” title?

    If the title is “restricted”, yes we still encourage you to apply as approvals are possible. That said, approvals are not guaranteed; we suggest simultaneously pursuing other options so that you are not left without a show to fill your season. Contact your licensing representative for suggestions.  Simply stated, “restricted”…

  • How do I access my digital purchases (ePlays or digital perusals)?

    After making your digital purchase (ePlay or digital perusal) on the Concord Theatricals website, accessing your new product is easy. Follow this tutorial to seamlessly read ePlays and perusals at home and on the go. A purchase of one of our ePlays or perusals is needed before you can start…

  • Can I purchase ePlays on the Concord Theatricals website to read on Concord Reader+?

    Absolutely! All ePlays purchased on the Concord Theatricals website will be added to your Concord Reader+ bookshelf.  Your ePlays will be accessible in Concord Reader+, as well as through the Concord Reader+ tab on the My Account screen. In order to purchase ePlays through ConcordTheatricals.co.uk, you will need to be logged in to your account. Start  by browsing through our constantly…

  • How do I create a Concord Reader+ account?

    Creating an account on Concord Reader+ is easy. All you need is a free Concord Theatricals account to gain access.  You can create your free Concord Theatricals account here.  If you already have a Concord Theatricals account, you can log in here.  Start by browsing through our constantly growing catalog. A purchase of one…

  • Order Policies and Shipping Information

    Order Policies  Merchandise Payment   Pre-payment is required for all orders by Card (we accept Visa, MasterCard and American Express) or by BACS Direct Debit (for UK Domestic Bank Accounts).  If you select Purchase Order as the payment method, please note that this creates a pro-forma invoice which must be…

  • Why is my Edinburgh Festival licence application taking so long?

    The Edinburgh Festival is a high-profile event featuring a dense array of theatrical performances. As such, it can often take a little more time to clear the rights for licence requests for it, as we need to check there are no other conflicting performances of your chosen title and that…

  • Competition pieces, cuttings, monologues/excerpts

    If you are performing a copyrighted work, in whole or in part, at a festival or a competition, you are required to obtain a license.  On the application we ask if your chosen title will be used for a festival, please specify here which one you intend to perform at….

  • How to Apply for Rights

    We hope to make the process of licensing straightforward, quick, and uncomplicated.  Every production is different and licensing requirements vary show-by-show.   Below, you’ll find a basic walk-through on how to apply for rights through our website. If you have additional questions, contact your Licensing Representative.   Step One   Please enter the…